Backpack Safety Tips

Backpack Safety Tips

According to the American Occupational Therapy Association, more than 79 million students carry a backpack, and 55% of them are carrying backpacks that are too heavy! Carrying an overweight backpack five days per week can add up to some serious aches and pains, including:

  • Lower back pain
  • Neck strain
  • Forward head and rounded shoulders
  • Uneven balance when carried on a single shoulder

How Heavy is Too Heavy?

Doctors recommend that backpack weight should be between 10-15% of a person’s total body weight. If a 90-pound sixth grader carried 15% of their weight, the backpack should be no more than 13 pounds. An average for a 135-pound adult would be about 20 pounds.

safety tips for backpacks

Backpack Safety Tips

Here are four tips for wearing a backpack safely:

  1. Pick the right size- The correct size backpack will extend from 2” below shoulder blades to slightly above waist height.
  2. Use both shoulder straps- Slinging your backpack on one shoulder can lead to bad posture, pain, or injury.
  3. Adjust the height- Backpacks should be worn high on your back- adjust the length of the shoulder straps to position it correctly.
  4. Use the waist and chest straps- These straps help distribute the weight, keep the load close to your body, and stabilize the pack as you move.

Don’t Ignore Pain

If you or a loved one is dealing with pain, our MVPT Physical Therapy team is here to help! Our physical therapists are experts at identifying the root cause of your pain, providing services and care that address your symptoms, and educating you on risks for reinjury and how to limit recurrence in the future.

To schedule an appointment, call any MVPT Physical Therapy location or complete the form below to request an appointment. 


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