Prehab Before You Rehab

Prehab before you Rehab

The unique circumstances of the past two years have forced many people to delay routine healthcare and surgeries. For many, these surgeries were pushed to spring. Now, in the midst of winter, it’s the perfect time to chart your healthcare plan for tackling any outstanding aches and pains, especially if your future includes surgery.

While advancements in surgical procedures have improved the lives of millions of people around the world, surgery is still a massive undertaking and can come with significant side effects, financial burdens, and extensive recovery periods. In some cases, physical therapy can be used to avoid surgery altogether. However, when surgery is necessary, working with a physical therapist before surgery (referred to as prehabilitation or prehab) can prepare your body for the upcoming procedure and contributes to a speedier recovery!

Invest in Your Health

If you’re experiencing pain or considering surgery, try physical therapy first! Working with a physical therapist can reduce inflammation, pain, and reliance on pain medications while restoring function. Do you have surgery scheduled in the coming months? Utilizing physical therapy in advance may improve your symptoms now so you can delay the procedure until later in the calendar year when it may suit your schedule better. Enlisting the help of a physical therapist before surgery can also optimize your post-surgical outcomes!


Prehab consists of a carefully crafted therapy program that prepares your entire body for surgery. Working with a physical therapist before surgery can be incredibly beneficial. In the weeks or months before surgery, prehab helps improve your:

  • Function
  • Mobility
  • Education
  • Pain
  • Strength


Physical therapy is one of the most effective forms of rehabilitation after surgery. Your physical therapist will work directly with your surgeon to understand your unique surgical findings. Using this information during your rehab, physical therapy can:

  • Help ensure your safety at home
  • Increase mobility and strength
  • Reduce pain medication needs
  • Prevent secondary health issues
Prevent, Prepare, Rehabilitate
Read our February newsletter to learn more about the benefits of prehab!

Try PT First

Many conditions require surgery, but if you’re dealing with pain or loss of function, ask your surgeon about physical therapy first. As a member of your healthcare team, your physical therapist can help you prepare for what’s ahead, with or without surgery, to empower you to return to a life full of motion.

To schedule an evaluation, call any MVPT Physical Therapy location or submit the form below.


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