Increase Your Physical Activity With These 7 Tips

Increase physical activity with these tips

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, only 28% of Americans are getting the recommended 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week. Being told you must be more physically active may seem like a tall order. But, it doesn’t have to be so hard! As explained by the American Heart Association, increasing physical activity does not mean a person must train in a state-of-the-art gym. The simplest steps can have a dramatic impact on health. And you have from sun up until sundown to increase your activity, including at home, at work, and during those busy errands that fill your day.

Seven Simple Ways To Get More Active

The most important first step to building a more active lifestyle is having an open mind and thinking creatively. Can’t give up 90 minutes to go to the gym? No problem, you really don’t need a gym membership to get moving. Have an ache or pain that has slowed you down? Your MVPT Physical Therapy team is just a call or click away from helping you address what limits your movement. So, let’s get you started with seven simple ways to get more active!

1. Housework Counts

One of the best ways to improve physical activity begins in your home. Do your chores, regardless of whether they are indoors or outside. So, instead of lumping all the cleaning duties into one exhausting day, break them up throughout the week. Get that vacuum out more often, take more trips to the garbage can with smaller loads, and stop weighing down the laundry baskets to make it up the stairs in one trip. Small, manageable loads can make those steps add up.

Of course, always be vigilant of your surroundings, especially possible dangers that may result in a fall.

2. Park Further Away From Store Entrances

We all cherish the closest parking spot to our destination. But parking further away from entrances to stores means you get even more of those valuable steps! As a result, you will burn more calories, and if you aim for the furthest spot, you might even elevate your heart rate a bit!

3. Goodbye Elevator, Hello Stairs

Another excellent way to walk more is to climb the stairs at work, the mall, or whenever the opportunity strikes. Even if you can’t make it up all the stairs, you can always hop on the elevator after a flight or two of the stairs.

4. Take a Dance Break

Yes, dancing when you hear music is exercise. When you pump those arms to the beat, your heart rate will follow. Also, music while walking helps pass the time and encourages a person to continue. More notably, listening to music has been shown to help people with stress. Whether you find the beat on the radio or sing that song stuck in your head, dancing along is a great way to increase your movement.

5. Set a Timer For Your Movement Breaks

Sitting or standing in place for hours at a time? Remember to move for approximately three minutes every 30 – 60 minutes. Why? Research shows that staying stationary – whether sitting or standing – for long periods of time can be bad for your health. Our bodies are built to move, and doing so for approximately three minutes every hour helps us feel our best. Plus, it’s a great reminder to fill up your water bottle so you can meet your hydration goals too!

6. Take Advantage of Technology

There are thousands of free apps available on iTunes and Google Play that promote an active lifestyle. They can remind users to get up from sitting, drink water, and more. Google Fit also tracks movement with “Move Minutes’ Goals,” which helps people see their progress.

7. Don’t Ignore What Gets In the Way

Many people stop moving because of pain. Rightfully so! But that doesn’t mean it’s a free pass to sit on the sidelines for good. Physical therapists are experts in the musculoskeletal system and use their knowledge to get to the root cause of your pain. Then, once the pain has been addressed, they can even help design an exercise program that keeps you strong, helps reduce the likelihood that your injury will return, and can even help you find new recreational activities to match your fitness levels and interests.

Before you know it, your physical therapist will be your go-to source for helping you stay healthy and active well into the future. And, when your interests or function changes, they will be ready to help you with your next movement challenge. Wondering, “How can I find physical therapy near me?” Just visit our website! With locations across the Northeast, we are committed to delivering the personalized care you need to achieve your health goals.

Increased Physical Activity Is Just a Step Away

A sedentary lifestyle comes with significant health risks. But being more active starts with simple steps and a helping hand. The MVPT Physical Therapy team is your partner in health, putting you on the road to health and wellness.

If you cannot be as active as you would like, ask your medical provider about a referral to MVPT Physical Therapy! Call any MVPT Physical Therapy location to schedule or complete the form below to request an appointment. 


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